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작업중인 파일은 다음 폴더 안에서 K0981_T0200_in 파일을 참조하면 된다.
075▲ 柬葛咼段面 ■ 간갈과단면 75 ( 가릴 간 / 간략할 간) (칡 갈 )( 가를 과 / 입 비뚤어질 괘, 입 비뚤어질 와, 화할 화, )(층계 단/ 포 단/단련할 단/알 깨지 않을 단 )(낯 면/ 밀가루 면 )
010▲ 工口久弓及 ■ 공구구궁급 10 ( 장인 공 )( 입 구 )( 오랠 구 )( 활 궁 )( 미칠 급 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Samavati [san-chn]
dve śaraṇe 二寶 [san-eng]
kalayatāṃ $ 범어 of subduers [pali-chn]
dhamma 法, 達磨 [pal-eng]
nibbe.thetvaa $ 팔리어 abs.of nibbe.thetihaving unraveled; having untwisted; having explained. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
six coarse marks 六粗 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
未曾有經 ミソウウキョウ never before experienced; unprecedented [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
DHAMMAPADA SUTRA☞ Exists in two versions: Theravada and Mahayana. “The Path or Way of the Buddha’s Dhamma or Teaching. The most famous scripture in the Pali Canon.”
1) “The Dhammapada [in its Theravada version] came to be written down in the first century B.C. It is one of the fifteen books of the Khuddaka-Nikaya and it is made up of some 423 verses arranged by topic into 26 chapters. These verses are descriptions of the way to live, the life of meditation and the practice of reason and intelligence. There are many exhortations to cast off craving and orient yourself towards enlightenment. It is not just a book of morality, it seeks to go further than that. Luckily the verses are easy to read and to memorize, and the many translations have given the Dhammapada worldwide popularity, representing for Buddhism what the Bhagavad Gita is for Hinduism and the Tao Te Ching is for Taoism.”
2) “In its Mahayana version, a sutra consisting of two sections and divided into thirty-nine chapters. It was translated into Chinese during the Wu dynasty (222-80 A.D.). A collection of moral teachings, it stresses good conduct stabilized by concentration and strengthened by perfect Wisdom.”
“The Dhammapada was translated into Latin in 1855. This is said to have been one of the first Buddhist texts to be introduced to the West.”
couté $ 불어 cost [chn_eng_soothil]
伐折羅 vajra. 伐闍羅; 縛日羅 (or 嚩日羅 or 跋日羅) (or 跋日囉); 嚩馹囉; 跋折羅 (or 跋闍羅); 跋折多; 波闍羅 (or 髮闍羅), tr. by 金剛 (金剛杵) Diamond club; the thunderbolt, svastika; recently defined by Western scholars as a sun symbol. It is one of the saptaratna, seven precious things; the sceptre of Indra as god of thunder and lightning, with which he slays the enemies of Buddhism; the sceptre of the exorcist; the symbol of the all conquering power of Buddha. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 「須菩提, 於意云何? 菩薩莊嚴佛土不?」 “수보리야, 네 생각에 어떠하냐? 보살들이 불국토(佛國土)를 장엄하느냐?” [玄奘] 佛告善現: 「若有菩薩作如是言, ࡔ我當成辦佛土功德莊嚴.ࡕ 如是菩薩非真實語! [義淨] 「妙生, 若有菩薩作如是語 ࡔ我當成就莊嚴國土ࡕ者, 此為妄語! 10-03 भगवानाह-यः कश्चित्सुभूते बोधिसत्त्व एवं वदेत्-अहं क्षेत्रव्यूहान् निष्पादयिष्यामीति, स वितथं वदेत्। bhagavānāha | yaḥ kaścitsubhūte bodhisattva evaṁ vadet ahaṁ kṣetravyūhān niṣpādayiṣyāmīti | sa vitathaṁ vadet | 복덕갖춘분께서 말씀하셨다. “수보리여! 어떤 깨달음갖춘이가 ‘나는 국토의 장엄들을 이룩하게 하리라’고 이렇게 말한다면 그는 그렇지 않다는 것을 말하는 것일 것이다. ▼▷[bhagavānāha] ① bhagavān(ƾ.nom.) + āha(ƺ.) → [복덕갖춘분께서、 말씀하셨다.] ▼▷[yaḥ] ① yaḥ(pn.ƾ.nom.) → [(어떠한) 그] ▼[kaścitsubhūte] ① kaścit(pn.ƾ.nom.) + subhūte(ƾ.voc) → [어떤, 수보리여!] ② kimcit(ƺ. to a certain degree, somewhat, a little) ▼[bodhisattva] ① bodhisattvaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [깨달음갖춘이가] ▼[evaṁ] ① evam(ƺ.) → [이렇게] ② evam(ƺ. thus, so, in this manner or way) ▼[vadet] ① vadet(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [말할 수 있다 → 말한다면] ② vad(1.ǁ. to say, speak, utter; to announce, tell; to speak of, describe) ▼[ahaṁ] ① ahaṁ(pn.Ⅰ.nom.) → [나는] ▼[kṣetravyūhān] ① kṣetra+vyūhān(ƾ.acc.pl.) → [국토의 장엄들을] ② kṣetra(ƿ. a field, ground, soil; landed property, land; place, abode) < kṣi(1.ǁ. to decay or waste; to rule, govern: 1.5.9.ǁ. to destroy: 6.ǁ. to abide, stay, dwell) ② vyūha(ƾ. a military array; an army, a host; a multitude, collection) < vi(ƺ. intensity, greatness) + vah(1.dž. to carry, transport, convey; to exhibit, show, betray) viśeṣa(nj. peculiar; copious; specialized: ƾ. discrimination, distinguishing between; difference) ▼[niṣpādayiṣyāmīti] ① niṣpādayiṣyāmi(caus.fut.Ⅰ.sg.) + iti(ƺ.) → [이룩하게 하리라、 라고,] ② niṣpād(4.Ʋ. to issue out of, spring from; to be produced, arise; to be got prepare) < nis(ƺ. out, forth, away) + pad(10.Ʋ. to go or move: 4.Ʋ. to go to) ▼▷[sa] ① saḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [그는] ▼[vitathaṁ] ① vitathaṁ(ƿ.acc.) → [그렇지 않다는 것을] ② vitatha(nj. untrue, false; vain, futile) < vi(ƺ. separation) + tathā(ƺ. so, thus; true) ▼[vadet] ① vadet(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [말할 수 있다. → 말하는 것일 것이다.] ② vad(1.ǁ. to say, speak, utter; to announce, tell; to speak of, describe)