삼성 [한문]三性 [영어]the three kinds of nature [1]선(善), 악(惡), 선도 악도 아닌 무기(無記) 등 세 가지.
[2]모든 법(法)의 특성을 편계소집성(遍計所執相), 의타기성(依他起性), 원성실성(圓成實性) 등 세 가지로 나눈 것. ● From 고려대장경연구소 불교사전
삼성 [한문]三性 법상종에서 사ㆍ이ㆍ미ㆍ오(事理迷悟)의 일체 모든 법을 그 성질상으로 보아 셋으로 나눈 것. (1) 변계소집성(遍計所執性). 이리 저리 억측을 내어 집착하는 성(性)이란 뜻. 범부의 미망(迷妄)한 소견으로 실체가 있는 것처럼 잘못 아는 일체의 사물. (2) 의타기성(依他起性). 다른 인연에 의하여 생긴 만유(萬有). (3) 원성실성(圓成實性). 현상의 본체. 곧 원만ㆍ성취ㆍ진실한 진여를 말함. ⇒사승마유(蛇繩麻喩)ㆍ의타기성(依他起性) ● From 동국역경원 운허사전
● From Soothill-Hodous Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms (DDBC version)
三性 The three types of character 善, 惡, 無記 good, bad and undefinable, or neutral; v. 唯識論 5. Also, 遍依圓三性 the three aspects of the nature of a thing-- partial, as when a rope is mistaken for a snake; only partly reliable, i.e. incomplete inference, as when it is considered as mere hemp; all around, or perfect, when content, form, etc., are all considered.
● From Hanja(Korean Hanzi) Dic
삼성 三省 參星 三性 三聖
三性 サンショウ
(term) three natures
● From Eng-Ch-Eng dic of Buddhist terms
三性 The three natures.
{I} The three natures of perception in Yoga^ca^ra: (1) The nature of existence produced From attachment to illusory discrimination. The mind of mistakenly assigning a real essence to those things that are produced From causes and conditions and have no true essence, and the appearance of that mistaken world (parikalpitah-svabha^va; bianji suoyixing 遍計所執性).
(2) The nature of existence arising From causes and conditions. All existence is produced according to cause (paratantra-svabha^va; 依他起性; yitaqixing) .
(3) The nature of existence being perfectly accomplished; the highest state of existence conforming to ultimate reality (parinispanna-svabha^va; yuanchengshi xing 圓成實性; ). 〔成唯識論T 1585.31.45c〕{II} The division of all elemental constructs into three moral qualities: (1) That which produces goodness 善. (2) That which produces evil 惡 and (3) That which is neutral 無記, producing neither good nor evil. The neutral category is further subdivided into two categories of impedimentary neutrality 有覆無記 and non-impedimentary neutrality 無覆無記. The afflictions 煩惱 are included in the evil category. 〔俱舍論、T 1558.29.7b〕